DTU Wind Energy, Roskilde, hosted InnoDC’s spring 2019 meeting, 13 – 16 May.
Visiting Scientists
Dr Walid Ziad El-Khatib of Vattenfall: ‘Electrical Design & Grid Connection of OWPPS’.
Prof Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University: ‘Reliable Power Electronic Based Power System’.
Dr Ömer Gökso, DTU: ‘Wind Power FRT’.
Dr Kaushik Das, DTU: ‘Hybrid Power Plants’.
Dr Tuhfe Göçmen, DTU: ‘Big Data in Wind Energy’.
Prof Paul Sørensen, DTU: ‘Generic Wind Power Models’.
Dr Nikola Vasilijevic, DTU: ‘Research Data Management’.
Prof Nicolaos Cutululis, DTU: ‘Introduction to Wind Power’.
Dr Matti Koivisto, DTU: ‘Variablity & Uncertainty in Wind Power’.
Associate Professor Niels-Erik Clausen, DTU: ‘Wind Farm Planning’.
Associate Professor Anca D Hansen, DTU: ‘Wind Power Plant Capabilities’.
Tour of DTU Wind Energy’s large scale facility and wind tunnel.
Middelgrunden Offshore Wind Farm, Copenhagen harbour. The 11-ladder climb to the top of a wind turbine was definitely worth it!
Committee Meeting
The InnoDC committees met with Motaz Ayiad representing the researchers and taking minutes. The committee members were impressed by his presentation of the ITER project, and approved his proposal for an InnoDC visit to the site.