So far this year, InnoDC has attended conferences, expanded its network and published papers.
In March, Emily Maggioli (of Uporto) attended the International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, Liverpool, to present her paper ‘Impact of VSC based HVDC interconnection on AC power system energy transmission wide-area disturbance’. If this is your area, watch her Power Point video. The same month, Vaishally Bhardwaj (of KU Leuven) attended the Risk Day at University of Strathlcyde where she presented her work on ‘Security constrained optimal power modules for AC/DC grids’. Go to the live-stream from 03:19:09 to see her presentation.
National HVDC Centre, Scotland and offshore wind, Wales:
The Covid-19 situation meant many of the presentations due to take place at InnoDC’s Cardiff meeting were postponed, including InnoDC’s presentation to the Welsh Government and the Crown Estate. However, Heledd Cressey (Welsh Government, Offshore & Transmission Energy Policy) shared two useful reports for discussion. Download to read: Future Potential for Offshore Wind in Wales and Benefits of Floating Offshore Wind to Wales and the South West.
Fortunately, InnoDC was able to contribute to the Cardiff University & National HVDC Centre joint webinar, attended by over 125 experts from across Europe. Click here for slides: HVDC challenges in meeting current GB Grid Code in a weak network.
Collaborative research:
InnoDC welcomed to its network a new Belgian company, Enersynt, which specialises in offshore wind farm grid connection. Keep an eye on the journals web-page for future collaborative publications with its director, Stijn Hendrix, and InnoDC researchers.
Below are two recent InnoDC-related papers published in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery:
(1) Protection for Submodule Overvoltage caused by Converter Valve-Side Single-Phase-to-Ground Faults in FB-MMC based Bipolar HVDC Systems.
Authors: Gen Li, Jun Liang, Carlos E Ugalde-Loo, Fan Ma, Haifeng Liang and Ziming Song;
(2) DC Voltage Droop Control Design for MMC-Based Multiterminal HVDC Grids.
Authors: Saman Dadjo Tavakoli, Enric Sánchez-Sánchez, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo and Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt.