Wei Liu began his secondment at EFACEC, Portugal, in January 2020. Emily Maggioli, Motaz Ayiad and he organised a meeting with Prof Helder Leite, Hugo Martins and Rui Dias Jorge in EFACEC’s Protection, Automation & Control (PAC) division. They agreed his work plan on distance protection under Rui’s supervision.
Unfortunately, the secondment was interrupted in March due to Covid-19. Nonetheless, Wei was particularly grateful for his visit and the valuable industrial experience, in that he:
- Gained knowledge on protection relays produced by EFACEC.
- Built simulation models on distance protection with the software PSCAD/EMTDC.
- Conducted research on direct DC (direct current) protections.
He aims to return to EFACEC in 2021 to meet Rui, so they can discuss his research progress.