During summer 2019, Motaz Ayiad attended a 3-month secondment at Energyville, Belgium. Energyville contains several energy research centres in Belgium, including KU Leuven’s ESAT.
He enrolled on intensive training for a programming language and optimisation tool called Julia, supervised by Dr Dirk Van Hertem and Dr Hakan Ergun. Julia has a powerful power models library and network cases, which will boost Motaz’s work ahead.
The atmosphere inside the building was inspiring and welcoming; he met new people and built research connections almost every day. He worked from Energyville’s offices and in the closed laboratories (where he enjoyed free coffee, tea and Cola!).
He attended two meetings as part of the KU Leuven research group, where they shared research progress and objectives. In addition, he participated in multiple events, such as:
1.Presenting at the HVDC colloquium (Aug 2019)
2.Participated in European Mobility Week (Sept 2019)
3. Delivering an educational workshop at European SchoolNet (Sep, 2019) and
4. Celebrated Eid Al-Adha with the Muslim community in Belgium (Aug, 2019).