Our non-stop Belgian team.
Nathalia Campos and Stephen Hardy in Brussels:
CG researcher, Stephen, and Elia researcher, Nathalia, attended the Sharing Inspiration 2019 conference at the European Committee of the Regions, which promotes science in education. They discussed possible wind-energy workshop collaboration with European Schoolnet Project Manager, Adina Nistor, met EU policy-makers and listened to impressive speakers, including the first German female astronaut, Dr Insa Thiele-Eich!
InnoDC at ACDC 2019:
InnoDC supervisors and visiting scientists delivered tutorials and lectures at the 15th IET international conference on AC and DC Power Transmission. These included Dr Jef Beerten of KU Leuven’s tutorial on Interactions Between AC & DC Grids, and KU Leuven sessions on Protection and Pole Voltage Re-balancing, and Hybrid AC/DC Optimal Power Flow.
Vaishally Bhardwaj in Cambridge:
KU Leuven researcher, Vaishally, presented a poster at the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk Day 2019 at the University of Cambridge. The event focused on research in power systems risk and uncertainty analysis. This was the perfect environment to meet experts and discuss her project Reliable Operation of Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems in Different Time Frames Under Uncertainty. If you are interested in her topic, read the poster.